متن دیالوگ های قسمت اول فصل پنجم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی به منظور تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در این قسمت از این سریال محبوب در این مقاله از سایت تقدیم نگاه شما کاربران گرامی خواهد شد.

The One After Ross Says Rachel

Chandler: What?

Joey: Look we’ve got to find her. Phoebe just called!! Rachel’s coming to tell Ross she loves

Mr. Waltham: Sorry old boy, sorry. Sorry. Sorry.  I could kill you with my thumb, you know.

Minister: Friends. Family. We are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of Ross and Emily .  Now Ross, repeat after me. Ihim!!

Emily: What was all that about? Ross…

Chandler: Oh my god!

Joey: I know! That’s why we got to find Monica!! You know where she is?

Chandler: No!!Okay!!What’swiththethirddegree?! Why don’t you just shine a light in myeyes?!

Rachel: …And so then I realized. All this stuff I had been doing. proposing to Joshua, lying to Ross about why I couldn’t come to the wedding. Was all just a way of…

Passenger:  Oh, oh oh!! I’m sorry, can I interrupt? You know I just want to say..That you are a horrible, horrible person.

Rachel: Ehh, pardon me?

Passenger: You say you love this man, yet you’re about to ruin the happiest day of his life. I’m afraid I have to agree with you friend Pheebs.. This is a..this is a…terrible, terrible plan.

Rachel: But he has to know how I feel!

Passenger: But why? He loves this…this Emily person. No good can come of this.

Rachel:  Well I-I think your wrong.

Passenger: Oh-no.And by the way, it seems to be perfectly clear that you

Ross:  It was…This disagreement over… My god. You…you look beautiful.

Emily:  Ohh… Oh! You were not meant to see me before the wedding. It’s bad luck.

Ross: You know what, I think we’ve had all the bad luck we’re going to have.

Ross: My God. Rachel!  Your here. I can’t believe it.  What happen? Why are you here?

Rachel: WellIjustcame… I just needed to tell you… Congratulations.

Mrs. Waltham:  Hello, Waltham Interiors.

Ross: I Ross…

Minister: Take thee, Emily…

Ross: Take thee, Rachel… Emily.  Emily.

Minister:  Uhh…Shall I go on?

Rachel:  He-he said Rachel, right? Do you think I should go up there?

Emily: Yes, yes, do go on.

Minister: I think we’d better start again. Ross, repeat after me. I, Ross…

Ross: I, Ross…

Minister: Take thee, EM-I-LY…

Ross: Take thee,

Emily.  Likethere’dbe anybodyelse.

Minister: As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death parts us.

Ross: As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and inhealth,untildeathpartsus.Really,Ido.Emily.

Minister: May I have the rings?  Emily, place this ring on Ross’s finger as a symbol of your bond everlasting.  Ross, place this ring in Emily’s hand as a symbol of the love that encircles you forever.

Ross: Happy too. were on a break.

Mrs. Geller:  Oh my God! It’s like a fairyland.

Mrs. Waltham: I know, it’s horrible isn’t it?

Monica: Well, I love it. I only hope my wedding looks this good.

Mrs. Geller: I just hope…

Monica:  You can let some of them go by!

Joey:  Pisst, Monica. Alright, we really need to start looking out for Rachel. I’ll cover the front door. You watch that big hole at the back of the building and I got Chandler covering Ross.

Monica:  Why would I care where Chandler is? You know uhh…You know sometimes I don’t even like Chandler.

Joey: Okay.

Ross:  I do. I do. I do.

Mrs. Waltham:  Why?!

Phoebe: Yea. Can I please, please, please talk to one of the best men? This is going to be the last time I promise.

Mrs. Waltham:  Joey there’s a girl on the phone for you.

Joey:  Ohh great!!  Hello.

Phoebe: Did you stop Rachel?

Joey: No, but it’s okay. She just came in and gave him a hug, that it.

Phoebe: So nothing got ruined?

Joey: No.

Phoebe: Oh that’s so great! Ohh, so what’s going on now?

Joey: Ah, I’m-I’m walking down the aisle…Still walking.  I’m about to pass the bridesmaid I hooked up with last night.  Hey!  I told her “Hey.” And now I’m at the front with Ross. It’s Phoebe.  He looks pretty mad. Uh…I’d better go.

Phoebe: No!!wait,wait,wait!!Ohplease,holditupsoIcanlisten.

Chandler: What we did last night was….

Monica: Stupid.

Chandler: Totallycrazystupid.

Mrs. Geller:  This is worse than when he married the lesbian.

Emily: Just keep smiling.

Ross: Okay.

Joey: Well, that went well. Yeah.

Chandler: It could’ve been worse, he could’ve shot her.

Ross:  That uh, that was pretty funny. Wasn’t it?

Opening Credits


Chandler: Oh yea, your right. It’s the second one.      people seated.)

Emily:  You’ve

Ross: Really?

Monica: What were we thinking? spoiled everything! It’s like a nightmare! My friends

Chandler: Listen, in the middle of everything if I scream the word, “Yippee!” just ignore me.

Monica: Oh my God, Rachel! Hi!

Chandler: Oh, hello Rachel.

Rachel: Ross said my name. Okay?

My name. Ross said my name up there that obviously means that he still loves me!  Okay, don’t believe me, I know I’m right—do you guys want to go downstairs and get a drink?

Chandler: Yes, we do. But, we have to change first.

Monica: Yes, I want to change. And why-why don’t you go down and get us a table?

Chandler: Yeah, we’ll be down in like five minutes.

Monica:  Fifteen minutes. Rachel: Okay.

Rachel: Hello? Oh, Pheebs!  It’s Phoebe!

Chandler: Oh, yay…

Monica: Great… Rachel: Hi!

Phoebe: Hi, so what happened?

Rachel: Well, Ross said my name.

Phoebe: Yeah, I know, but I don’t think that means anything.

Rachel: Okay, Pheebs, y’know what, let’s look at this objectively all right? Ninth grade, right? The obsession starts. All right? The summer after ninth grade he sees me in a two-piece for the first time, his obsession begins to grow. So then…

Chandler:  Hey, listen, why don’t we go change in my room?

Monica: But my clothes are—ohh!

Chandler: Wow, you look…

Monica: No time for that!

 Joey: Hey, dude, let me in. I got a girl out here!

Chandler: Well, I’ve got a girl in here.

Joey: No you don’t, I just saw you go in there with Monica!

Chandler: Well, we’re-we’re hanging out in here!

Joey: Look, which one of us is gonna be having sex in there, me or you?

Chandler: Well, I suppose I’d have to say you!! But, what if we’re watching a movie in here?

Monica: Which we are, and-and we already paid for it. It’s

My Giant!

Joey: My Giant? I love that movie!

Monica: You really think this is okay?

Chandler: Well, Ross and Emily aren’t gonna use it.

Monica: Oh, it’s so beautiful. Ohh! Y’know, I-I don’t know if I feel right about this.

Chandler: Oh Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-look, this is the honeymoon suite. The room expects sex. The room would be disappointed if it didn’t get sex. All of the other honeymoon suites would think it was a loser.

Monica: Okay! Chandler: Okay!

Ross:  Emily?!

Chandler: Nope, not under here!

Monica: You didn’t find her?

Ross: No, I’ve looked everywhere!

Chandler: Well, you couldn’t have looked everywhere or else you would’ve found her!

Monica: Yeah, I think you should keep looking!

Chandler: Yeah, for about 30 minutes.

Monica: Or 45.

Chandler: Wow, in 45 minutes you can find her twice.

Ross: No! For all I know, she’s trying to find me but couldn’t because I kept moving around. No, from now on, I’m staying in one place.  Right here.

Monica: Well, it’s getting late.

Chandler: Yeah, we’re gonna go.

Ross: Actually, do you guys mind staying here for a while?

Monica: Ugh, y’know, umm we gotta get up early and catch that plane for New York.

Chandler: Yeah, it’s a very large plane.

Ross:  That’s cool.

Chandler: But, we’ll stay here with you.

Ross: Thanks guys!  I really appreciate this, y’know, but you don’t have to rub my butt.

Commercial Break

Chandler: We have to leave for New York in an hour.

Monica: I know, I’ve been looking at those doors, they look pretty sound proof, don’t you think?

Chandler: We can’t do that that’s insane. I mean ‘A’ he could wake up and ‘B’ y’know, let’s go for it.

Ross: Em-Emily?  Em-Emily?  Emily!  Mr. Waltham: No.

Mrs. Waltham: You can forget about Emily, she’s not with us.

Mr. Waltham: We’ve come for her things.

Ross: Wait, well wh-wh-wh-where is she?

Mr. Waltham: She’s in hiding. She’s utterly humiliated. She doesn’t want to see you ever again.

Mrs. Waltham: We’re very sad that it didn’t work out between you and Emily, monkey. But, I think you’re absolutely delicious.

Mr. Waltham: Excuse me, I’m standing right here!

Mrs. Waltham: Oh yes, there you are.

Rachel:  Hey-hey, you guys oh hurry up, get some,there’sawholecartoutside…

Mr. Waltham: Goodbye Geller.

Ross: Now, hold on! Hold on!  Look, look, your daughter and I are supposed to leave tonight for our honeymoon, now-now you-you tell her that I’m gonna be at that airport and I hope that she’ll be there too! Oh yeah, I said Rachel’s name, but it didn’t mean anything, Okay? She’s-she’s just a friend and that’s all!  That’s all! Now just tell Emily that I love her and that I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Please, promise me that you’ll tell her that.

Mr. Waltham: All right, I’ll tell her.  Come on bugger face!

Mrs. Waltham:  Call me.

Mr. Waltham: You spend half your life in the bathroom, why don’t you ever go out the bloody window!

Monica: Y’know, maybe it’s best that we never got to do it again.

Chandler: Yeah, it kinda makes that-that one night special.  Y’know, technically we still are over international waters.

Monica: I’m gonna go to the bathroom, maybe I’ll see you there in a bit?

Chandler: ‘Kay!

Joey: Can I ask you something?

Chandler: Uhh, no.

Joey: Felicity and I, we’re watching My Giant, and I was thinking, “I’m never gonna be as good an actor as that giant.” Do you think I’m just wasting my life with this acting thing?

Chandler: No.

Joey: I mean, the giant is like five years younger than me, y’know, you think I’ll ever get there?

Chandler: Yes.

Joey: Thanks man.

Chandler: Okay man.

Joey: But what about how much taller he is than me?

Joey: I mean, there’s no way I can make myself taller now, y’know? And who knows what science will come up with in the future, but Chandler, what if I die an unsuccessful, regular sized man?

Joey: Hey, Monica, wow you’ve been in the bathroom for like a half-hour.

Monica: I know!

Joey: Had the beef-tips, huh?

Phoebe: Hey! Chandler: Hey!

Joey: Hi!

Phoebe:  You ate meat!   Youhadsex!

Chandler: No we didn’t!

Phoebe: I know you didn’t, I was talking about Monica.

Monica: Phoebe, I did not have sex.

Phoebe: This pregnancy is throwing me all off.

Joey: All right, I’m gonna go say hi the chick and the duck.

Phoebe: Oh, me too!

Joey: Why would you need to say hi to them, you’ve been feeding them for four days?

Phoebe: Oh right, maybe I’ll just go home.

Monica: Well, we certainly are alone.

Chandler: Yes! Good thing we have that, ‘Not in New York’ rule.

Monica: Right. Umm, listen since we’re-we-re on that subject, umm, I just wanted to tell you that uh, well, I-I was going through a really hard time in London, what with my brother getting married and that guy thinking I was Ross’s mother…

Chandler: Right.

Monica: Well, an-anyway, I just—that night meant a lot to me, I guess I’m just trying to say thanks.

Chandler: Oh. Y’know, that night meant a lot to me too, and it wasn’t because I was in a bad place or anything, it just meant a lot to me ‘cause, you’re really hot! Is that okay?

Monica:  That’s okay.

Chandler: And I’m cute too.

Monica: And you’re cute too.

Chandler: Thank you!  All right, I gotta go unpack.

Monica: Okay. Chandler: Bye.

Chandler:  I’m still on London time, does that count?

Monica: That counts!

Chandler: Oh, good!

Ross: Rach! Rach!

Rachel:  Hi!

Ross: Hi! What are you, what are you doing here?

Rachel: Well, I-I-I’ve been on Standby for a flight home for hours.

Ross: Oh.

Rachel: Ohh, so no sign of Emily huh?

Ross: Not yet.

Rachel: So umm, what time are you supposed to leave?

Gate Agent:  This is the last call for Flight 1066 to Athens. The last call.

Ross: Pretty soon I guess.

Rachel: Yeah. I’m sorry.

Ross: I just, I don’t understand, I mean, how-how can she do this? Y’know, what, am I, am I like a complete idiot for thinking that she’d actually show up?

Rachel: No, you’re not an idiot, Ross. You’re a guy very much in love.

Ross: Same difference.

Gate Agent:  All ticketed passengers for Flight 1066 to Athens should now be on board.

Ross: I get it! Well, that’s that.

Rachel: No, you know what, I think you should go.

Ross: What?

Rachel: Yeah, I do. I think you should go, by yourself, get some distance, clear your head, I think it’d be really good.

Ross: Oh, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know…

Rachel: Oh, come on Ross! I think it would be really good for you!

Ross: I could, yeah, I can do that. Rachel: Yeah.

Ross: I can’t, I can’t even believe her! No, y’know what, I am, I am gonna go!

Rachel: Good!

Ross: I know, why not?

Rachel: Right!

Ross: Right?

Rachel: Right!

Ross: Y’know—thanks!

Rachel: Okay, I’ll see you back at home, if I ever get a flight out of here.

Ross: Yeah, well…nah.

Rachel: What? Wait, what?

Ross: Why don’t you come, I mean, I-I have two tickets, why not?

Rachel: Well-well, I don’t know Ross—really?

Ross: Yeah, yeah, it’ll be great! You can, you can lay on the beach and I can cry over my failed marriage. See-see how I make jokes?

Rachel: Uh-huh.

Ross: No really, I mean, I mean, God, I could use a friend.

Rachel: Oh wow, uh okay, uh maybe. Umm, yes, I can do that!

Ross: Okay! Rachel: Okay!

Ross: Cool!

Rachel: All right!

Ross: Come on!  Here.

Rachel: Oh, okay, we’re going. Yeah.

Ross: Ah! Ah! I forgot my jacket!

Rachel: Oh, wait-wait-wait…

Ross: You tell them to wait!

Rachel: Okay. Wait! Wait!

Ross: Emily.

Ross: Oh no-no-no! Oh-no!  No! No! Emily!

Ending Credits

Rachel: Ahh, yes, I will have a glass of the Merlot and uh,  he will have a white wine spritzer. Woo!  Hey, look at that, the airport’s moving.  Hey, are we moving?! Are we moving? Why are we moving? Hey, time-out, umm, yeah, does the captain know that we’re moving?  Oh my God. Oh, my gosh.


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به پایان مقاله متن دیالوگ های قسمت اول فصل پنجم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی از سری آموزش های تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در فیلم ها و سریال های انگلیسی زبان بخش آموزش زبان انگلیسی از صفر تا صد سایت رسیدیم. از شما فرهیخته گرامی درخواست داریم چنانچه استاد، معلم، مدرس، دانش آموخته، دانشجو و یا یکی از دانش پژوهان آزاد زبان انگلیسی هستید و در طی آموزش و یادگیری این دانش با نکات کاربردی مواجه گشته اید که با این قسمت از سریال محبوب فرندز مرتبط است و در طی این مقاله به آن اشاره ای نشده است، خواهشمندیم نکته نظرات خودتان را از طریق بخش نظرات در پایین همین صفحه با سایر کاربران این صفحه از سایت به اشتراک بگذارید

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