متن دیالوگ های قسمت دوم فصل ششم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی به منظور تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در این قسمت از این سریال محبوب در این مقاله از سایت تقدیم نگاه شما کاربران گرامی خواهد شد.

The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: Hey, so did everything go okay with the annulment?

Ross: Oh, yeah, no problems. It’s all taken care of.

Rachel: Ross, thank you. Hey, do you guys wanna go see a movie?

Ross: Oh yeah, why not?

Rachel: Okay,umm,I’mgonnagetmysweater.

Ross: Okay.  You uh, you wanna hear something weird?

Phoebe: Always.

Ross: I didn’t get the annulment.

Phoebe: What?!

Ross: We’restillmarried!Don’ttellRachel.Seeyoulater.

Ross:  Hey, do you have any gum?

Rachel: Oh? Yeah! Sure!

Phoebe:  Wait! Wait! Hi! Listen, Ross can I just talk to you for just a second?

Rachel: Oh but Phoebe, we’re gonna be late for the movie.

Phoebe: Oh, there’s a cab! Taxi!!  Good timing, my God, huh? Here you go.

Rachel: Yeah, we’re, we’re actually just gonna walk ‘cause it’s right up there at the Angelica.

Phoebe: Oh, the Angelica!! Go! Go!   You didn’t get the annulment?!!

Ross: I know.

Phoebe: Ross?!

Ross: Well, I tried! But when I got to my lawyer’s office all I could hear was, “Three divorces. Three divorces!” Look, I just don’t want my tombstone to read, Ross Gellar, Three Divorces.

Phoebe: Don’t be worried about that! Your tombstone can say whatever you want it to say! It could say, Ross Geller, Good at Marriage! Y’know? Mine’s gonna say Phoebe Buffay, Buried Alive.

Ross: Look, all I know is I-I can’t have another failed marriage!

Phoebe: So okay what? You’re gonna be married to a girl who doesn’t even know about it?!—Op, woman! Sorry.

Ross: Well, okay so, I don’t have it all worked out quite yet. Just don’t say anything to Rachel, please?

Phoebe: Rachel is one of my closest friends.  Although,beingtheonly onewhoknowsanythingaboutthisdoesmakesmefeelspecial.Okay!

Rachel:  Okay, stop-stop! Phoebe?!

Phoebe: Hey Rach!

Rachel: What was that?!

Phoebe: Sorry, mix up. Hey, how was the movie?

Rachel: I haven’t seen it yet!

Phoebe: Well then you’d better hurry! The Angelica! Go! Go!

Rachel: Noooooooo!!

Opening Credits

{Transciber’snote:Incaseyou’rewondering,andIknowyouare.Theirnamesareallbacktonormal.Justin a slightly smaller font than usual to allow CourteneyCoxArquettetofitononelineandnotbesmallerthanthe rest of their names. Now, on with the show…}

Chandler: Y’know when we move in together, can I get a gumball machine?

Monica: Of course! Joey wouldn’t let you have one?

Chandler: No. When it comes to sweets, he’s surprisingly strict.

Monica: Hey, have you figured out a way to tell him you’re moving out?

Chandler: No, no, I keep trying, y’know? I can get out, “Joey, I have too…” but then I lose my nerve and I always finish with, “…go to the bathroom.” He may think I’m sick.

Monica: Y’know, I really have to tell Rachel, but I… We just have to get it over with! Y’know, the next time we see them we’re just gonna tell them. Okay? That’s it.

Chandler: Oh, so that’s this is gonna work now? You’re just gonna order me around all the time?

Monica: Pretty much.

Chandler: All right.

Joey:  Hey Monica! Monica: Hi!

Joey:  Hey man, you feeling any better?

Monica: Joey, we have something to tell you.

Joey: Oh my God! You’re pregnant!

Chandler: No-o-o!  No?  No-o-o! Look Joey, here’s the thing, Monica and I have decided to live together, here. So, I’m gonna be moving out man.

Joey: Wow!  Well, uh… Hey! I’m really happy for you guys! Congratulations!  Seeyoulater.

Monica: Wait! Joey! Joey! Are you okay?!

Joey: Yeah, I gotta go! I got an acting job.  Like you’d believe that. This sucks!

Chandler: Look, I-I’m just gonna be right across the hall and I promise you, the minute Monica and I break up I’m moving right back in with you!


Monica: Hey Pheebs!

Phoebe: Hey!

Monica: Hey, have you seen Rachel?

Phoebe: No, why?

Monica: I have some pretty exciting news!

Phoebe:  You’re pregnant!

Monica: No! Chandler and I are moving in together!

Phoebe: Ooh! That’s good! Wow! But now if you were pregnant, what would you name it? Hint: Phoebe.

Ross: Hey! Hi! Monica: Hey!

Ross: What’s up?

Monica: Well umm, Chandler and I are moving in together.

Ross: Oh my God. Ohh, my little sister and mybest friend…shaking up. Oh, that’s great. That’sgreat.

Phoebe: Guys, I’m happy too.

Monica: Okay, come here!

Phoebe: Wow! Big day huh? People moving in, people getting annulled…

Monica: Okay, I gotta go find Rachel but umm, if you guys see her could you please try to give her some really bad news so that mine doesn’t seem so bad?

Ross: Bye.

Phoebe: Hmm, something bad to tell Rachel… Bad news for Rachel, what could that be?!

Ross: Could ya just, could ya just lay off, please? All right? My life is an embarrassment! I should go live under somebody’s stairs!

Phoebe: Ross, it’s not that big a deal! So you’ll been divorced three times, you’ll still have a life, you’ll go on dates…

Ross:  No! No, I won’t! I’ll be at the bottom of the dating barrel now. The only guys below me will be Four Divorce Guy uh, Murderer Guy, and-and, Geologists.

Phoebe: Ross, you’re being ridiculous! Okay? You are cute and smart and sweet and that is much more important than three stupid divorces!

Ross: Oh yeah? Have you ever dated anyone who has been divorced three times?

Phoebe: Y’know that’s really fair. Y’know? Most guys who have been divorced three times are like 60 Ross, nobody cares about this except you! This-this embarrassment thing is all in your head! Here, I’ll show you! Come here.

Ross: What?! Why?

Phoebe:  Hi! Hi! Listen, my friend Ross is about to be divorced for the third time, but wouldn’t you date him?

Ross: And if you wait right here, I’ll go get Ross.

Chandler:  Hey!

Monica: Ugh, I thought you were Rachel!

Chandler:  What gave me away?

Monica: I just tell her, I have to get it over with. I told Ross and Phoebe and she’s the only one left!

Chandler: Okay, so that’s it, everybody knows! It’s official, we’re moving in together. No turning back. Are ya scared? Are ya?

Monica: No.

Chandler: Wow that was my scariest voice! You’re very brave.

 Rachel: Hey!

Chandler: Hey.

Rachel: Ugh, the worse day! Y’know, you think you’re making progress at work and then your boss calls you Raquel.

Chandler: Hey listen, for the first four years of my work everybody called me Sha-la-lap.  Seriously.

Rachel: I believe you. So, it was right in the middle of a staff meeting so of course no one else wants to correct her so everyone else is calling me Raquel! By the end of the day, the mailroom guys were calling me Rocky!

Chandler: Well, I-I still think you’re very-very nice and very pretty…

Rachel: What?

Chandler:  All yours babe.

Monica: Have a seat.  Okay, listen umm, Chandler and I are going to live together, here.

Rachel: Oh my God! That’s so great! I’m so happy for you guys!

Monica: Really?!

Rachel: And that was so sweet of you to ask! Oh my God, the three of us are gonna have such a good time living together!

Monica: Yes, we are.

Rachel: And Chandler, you’re gonna have to watch those long showers you take in the morning because you know Raquel can’t be late.

Chandler: Rach…

Monica: Yeah, he’s gonna work on that.

Rachel: Ohh! This is so exciting! Oh God…  Come and knock on my door…

Monica:  We’ll be waiting for you…

{Transciber’s note: I’ll finish that one for those of you who don’t know what they’re talking about. Where the towels are Hers and Hers and His, Three’s Company too! Yeah, that’s the theme song for Three’s Company.}

Commercial Break

Ross: …once you know the stories, it’s not that bad. First marriage, wife’s hidden sexuality, not my fault. Second marriage, said the wrong name at the altar, a little my fault. Third marriage, well they really shouldn’t allow you to get married when you’re that drunk and have writing all over your face, Nevada’s fault.

Phoebe: Okay, so what do you think ladies? Who wouldn’t be interested? Who wouldn’t want to date him?

Stephanie: Well the divorces don’t bother me, I’d date him. But, not while he’s still married.

Phoebe: Okay, what about you?  Wouldn’t you want a date?

Karin: Actually, I’m dating at all anymore. See, I figured out that I was only dating guys that were like y’know bad for me, so until I work that out…

Phoebe:  Whatever! What about you Meg?

Meg: Well, I don’t care about the divorces either, but I wouldn’t date him. It’s just that he’s obviously still in love with this Rachel girl.

Ross: What?!

Phoebe:  She said, “He’s obviously still inlovewith this Rachel girl.”

Ross: This is crazy! I mean, yes-yes Rachel is my good friend and I-I have loved her in the past, but now, she is just my wife! Phoebe, will you-will you help me out here? Phoebe: Well, I thought you loved her when you-when you married her.

Ross: We were drunk! I would’ve married uh, Joey with that amount of alcohol!

Phoebe: Hey! You could do a lot worse than Joey Tribbiani!!

Ross:  Look, I’m sorry, but you guys are wrong. I just don’t want to be divorced three times.

Phoebe: Yes, and now he’s using this three divorces reason because he wants to stay married to her because he loves her. I must say, “Well done!” Bravo Meg.

Ross:  Okay! Fine! Fine! If-if this is what you think, forget about the whole three divorce thing! Okay, I-I’ll go to my lawyer’s office right now and get this marriage annulled! Okay?! Because she means nothing to me! Noth——Nothing!!

Meg: Okay now I wouldn’t date you because you seem a little creepy.

Karin: I am so attracted to him right now.

Chandler: Okay, when are we gonna tell Rachel what is actually gonna happen?

Monica: Soon! I-I just couldn’t before. You saw how upset Joey got! I couldn’t do that to her, she’s my best friend!

Chandler: Well, Joey’s my best friend.

Monica: I’m not your best friend?

Chandler: You just said… Of course you’re my best friend. Would you please tell Rachel though?

Monica: All right, all right, at least I’m prepared.

Chandler: Okay.  Oh yes.

Monica:  Hey!

Chandler: Hey-hey!

Monica: These aren’t for you! Are you upset?

Chandler: I am now!

Rachel:  Hey roomie!

Chandler: Okay, bye!

Monica: Rach, there’s something uh, important I have to tell you.

Rachel:  Are you pregnant?!

Monica: No! But, I’m throwing this shirt away! I think there was a little misunderstanding before.

Rachel: Um-hmm.

Monica: Umm, when I said that uh, that Chandler and I wanted to umm, live together we meant alone together.

Rachel:  Oh my God! Oh, that’s funny, I can’t believe I did that.

Monica: Oh no sweetie, no! This is my fault, I wasn’t clear! I’m really sorry. And listen, you take as much time as you need to move out okay? There’s absolutely no rush.

Rachel: Okay.

Monica: Okay. Don’t you want a cookie?

Rachel: Sure?  Thanks.

Monica: Maybe, do you need a tissue?

Rachel: Monica, where did you get these?!

Monica: I made them!

Rachel: Ooh,good God,they’reso yummy!

Joey: God, it’s gonna so weird like when I come home and you’re not here. Y’know? No more Joey and Chan’s. No more J and C’s. “You wanna go over to Joey and Chandler’s?” “Can’t, its not there.”

Chandler: Look, I’m just gonna be across the hall, we can still do all the same stuff.

Joey: Yeah but we won’t be able to like get up in the middle of the night and have those long talks about our feelings and the future.

Chandler: Not once did we do that.

Monica:  Hi. Chandler: Hey!

Joey: Hi.

Monica: So I, I told Rachel it was just gonna be the two of us.

Chandler: Oh yeah? Well, how’d she take it?

Monica: Reallywell.Yeah.Surprisinglywell.Yeah,shedidn’tcry.Shewasn’tangryorsad.

Chandler: And you’re upset because you didn’t make your best friend cry?

Monica: I mean, all I’m asking for is just a little emotion! Is that too much to ask after six years?! I mean what? Are-are-are Rachel and I not as close as you guys?! I mean do we not have as much fun?! Don’t I deserve a few tears?!! I mean we-we told Joey, he cried his eyes out!

Joey: Hey! I did not cry my eyes out!! Come on! It’s like the end of an era! No more J-man and Channie’s!!

Chandler: Okay, I gotta ask, who calls us that?!

Russell: You got married again.

Ross: Yes.

Russell: So that’s your second marriage in two years.

Ross: Yes, second in two years. Third overall.

Russell: Ross, I have been a divorce attorney for 23 years and never had I so much business from one client. Why don’t you tell me what happened.

Ross: Basically, Rachel and I were in Vegas and we got drunk…

Russell:  I’m sorry, is this the same Rachel who’s name you said at the altar in the second marriage?

Ross: Yes-yes-yes! But, I-I do not love her.

Russell: Oh, that’s better then.

Ross: This was just a drunken mistake and I need to get it annulled.

Russell: I see. Have you considered therapy?

Ross: I think just the annulment for today.

Russell: There are a couple of forms to fill out.

Ross: Easy.

Russell: And we’ll need to have witnesses who can testify that you were not of uh, sound mind.

Ross: No problem.

Russell: And we’ll need you and Rachel to testify before a judge.

Ross: Ooh! There’s no way to do this without her? ‘Cause I kinda all ready told her uh, it was, it was already taken care of.

Russell: Of course you did. Look Ross, you can’t get an annulment unless you and Rachel are both there.

Ross: Uh-ha, what about someone who looks like Rachel?  I will think about the therapy.

Rachel: Hey!

Monica: Hey. So um, I was thinking that maybe we should start dividing up our stuff.

Rachel: Okay!

Monica: Y’know, no point in dragging it out. Dragging out the long process of you moving out and us not living together anymore.

Rachel: Okay.

Monica: Hey Rach, what about this?  Huh? Who-who gets this? See, I don’t know if I want it because it might be y’know, too many memories!

Rachel:  What the hell is that?

Monica: I don’t know.  Hey, Rachel, you want the big plate? I want you to have the big plate.

Rachel: Wow! Mon, thanks! I love this plate!

Monica: Something to remember me by!

Rachel: Mon, honey you’re not dying. I’m just moving out. Y’know, I mean we’re gonna see each other all the time.

Monica: But still, it’s a big change. The end of an era, you might say!

Rachel: Are you okay? You’re not blinking.

Monica: I’m fine! I just, I’m thinking how much it’s an end of era.

Rachel: Oh, all right. But y’know I gotta say, I don’t, I don’t think six years counts as an era.

Monica: An era is defined as a significant period of time. Now, it was significant to me, maybe it wasn’t significant to you!

Rachel: What is the matter with you?!

Monica: What is the matter with you?!! Why aren’t you more upset?! Aren’t you gonna be sad that we’re not gonna be living together anymore?! I mean aren’t you gonna miss me at all?!

Rachel: All right, fine, but don’t get mad at me. It’s-it’s just a little hard to believe.

Monica: What’s hard to believe?

Rachel: Well y’know, it’s you guys. You-you do this kind of stuff! Y’know? I mean, you-you were gonna get married in Vegas and then you backed out! I guess I’m not upset because I don’t see you guys going through with it. I’m sorry.

Monica: Rachel, it’s going to happen. Chandler is gonna move in here.

Rachel: But I…

Monica: No-no, wait! Just let me finish, okay? This isn’t something that we just, we just impulsively decided in-in Vegas, this is something we both really want. And it is going to happen.

Rachel: It is? Really?

Monica: Yeah, sweetie.

Rachel:  I mean we’re not, we’re not gonna live together anymore? Monica: No.

Rachel: What? Oh my God! I’m gonna miss you so much!

Monica: I’m gonna miss you!

Rachel: I mean it’s the end of an era!

Monica: I know!

Phoebe:  Okay, bye!

Ross: Oh no.

Phoebe: So? Did you get the annulment?

Ross: I couldn’t.

Phoebe: I knew it! Because you love Rachel.

Ross: It’s not that. Okay? Annulments are more complicated than I…

Phoebe: Yeah, complicated ‘cause of the love.

Ross: I… I do, I do not love Rachel. I’m gonna tell her right now about the whole thing so we can get this marriage annulled as fast as possible. Okay? Would I do that if I loved her?

Phoebe: I’ve never been more convinced of your love for her.

Ross: IdonothavefeelingsforRachel!Okay?!

Ross: Ohh, what’s wrong?!

Rachel: Monica and Chandler are really moving in here and I have to move out and everything is changing.

Ross: Oh my—Come here! Come here!  It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be okay.

Rachel: Thank you.

Ross: Of course.

Ending Credits

Joey: So, Ross and Rachel got married, Monica and Chandler almost got married, do you think you and I should hook up?

Phoebe: Oh we do, but not just yet.

Joey: Really?! Well, when?

Phoebe: Okay umm, well, first Chandler and Monica will get married and be filthy rich by the way. Yeah. But it won’t work out.

Joey: Wow.

Phoebe: I know. Then, I’m gonna marry Chandler for the money and you’ll marry Rachel and have the beautiful kids.

Joey: Great!

Phoebe: But then we ditch those two and that’s when we get married. We’ll have Chandler’s money and Rachel’s kids and getting custody will be easy because of Rachel’s drinking problem.

Joey: Oh-oh, what about Ross?

Phoebe: I don’t want to go into the whole thing, but umm, we have words and I kill him.


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به پایان مقاله متن دیالوگ های قسمت دوم فصل ششم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی از سری آموزش های تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در فیلم ها و سریال های انگلیسی زبان بخش آموزش زبان انگلیسی از صفر تا صد سایت رسیدیم. از شما فرهیخته گرامی درخواست داریم چنانچه استاد، معلم، مدرس، دانش آموخته، دانشجو و یا یکی از دانش پژوهان آزاد زبان انگلیسی هستید و در طی آموزش و یادگیری این دانش با نکات کاربردی مواجه گشته اید که با این قسمت از سریال محبوب فرندز مرتبط است و در طی این مقاله به آن اشاره ای نشده است، خواهشمندیم نکته نظرات خودتان را از طریق بخش نظرات در پایین همین صفحه با سایر کاربران این صفحه از سایت به اشتراک بگذارید

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