متن دیالوگ های قسمت ششم فصل نهم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی به منظور تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در این قسمت از این سریال محبوب در این مقاله از سایت تقدیم نگاه شما کاربران گرامی خواهد شد.

The One With The Male Nanny

Scene: Chandler’s hotel room in Tulsa. He’s fast asleep when the telephone rings.

Chandler:  Hello?  Hello?


Chandler: Honey, you’re screaming.

Monica: YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM! I just had the best first day ever! The kitchen: twice as big as Allessandro’s.

Chandler:  Oh, that’s great.

Monica: Yeah, a-a-and clean. Not just health department clean… Monica clean.

Chandler:  Awesome.

Monica: Oh, and the people are so nice. There’s this one guy, Geoffrey, he’s the Maitre D., Chandler, you will love him. He is without a doubt, the funniest guy I have ever met.


Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe and Mike are on the couch, holding hands, while Phoebe puts milk in her coffee.

Mike: This is nice.

Phoebe: Iknow!

Mike: You need both hands for that?

Phoebe: Yeah, I kinda do.  Well,

how’s this?

Joey:  Aaahhh, look at you two… holding hands… huh is this getting serious?  Have you not talked about it yet?  Am I making you uncomfortable?  If you were bigger you’d hit me, huh…? Aaaaaahhhhhh

Phoebe: I’m sorry… I’m sorry. It’s obviously way too early for us to be… having that conversation.

Mike: Is it?

Phoebe:  Maybe not, is it?

Mike: Okay, when I got divorced, I didn’t think I’d feel this way about someone for a really long time… Then again, I didn’t think I’d meet someone like you… and… this may be crazy soon, but… I want you to have this…  No, not… that’s gum.  Ooh, five bucks… I love it when that happens, you know… Think no note’s there…

Phoebe:  I know Mike, why don’t you keep digging?

Mike: Oh,sorry.

Phoebe: Oh, it’s a key. To be honest, I think I’d prefer the five dollars.

Mike: It’s to my apartment.

Phoebe:  Oh wow, ooh! Ooh, big step for Phoebe and Mike.

Mike: Yeah, look, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to give me your key just because…

Phoebe: Oh no, I want to.

Mike: Oh,thankGod.

Phoebe: Yeah… ooh… wow… Even started to think I’d never meet someone that, you know, I wanted to… do this with. Here you go.

Mike: Is this cool, huh?

Phoebe: It really is.

Joey:  Oh, I know it… It is amazing these little things open doors… huh!

Scene: Ross and Rachel’s apartment. Both of them sitting on the couch, interviewing a nanny candidate.

Rachel: So I don’t go back to work for another four weeks, but we would like our nanny to start right away, so that Emma could get a chance to know her.

Nanny Candidate:  I think that’s really smart. The easier we can make the transition for her, the better.

Rachel: That’s great, great. So do you have any questions for us?

Nanny Candidate: Not really.

Rachel: All right. Well thank you so much for coming…

Ross: Thank you.

Rachel: Really nice to meet you… and we’ll call you.

Nanny Candidate: Oh, you know, wait. I do have one question.  Do you guys do random drug testing?

Ross: Boy, we uhm… hadn’t really thought of that.

Nanny Candidate: That’s cool. But… but if you do, I’m gonna need three days notice.

Rachel: Okidoki!  Wow! We’re never gonna find a nanny.

Ross: Oh, come on Rach, we will. I promise. We have more interviews  And worse comes to worse, we can always reconsider the uhm… the first one we met with.

Rachel:  What, the blonde with no bra?

Ross: She was blonde?  Just a sec.! Okay, okay. This one’s name is Sandy. She’s got a degree in early childhood education, uhm… she worked for her last family for three years.

Rachel: Okay…

Sandy:  Hi… I’m Sandy. Ross: And she’s a little mannish…

Scene: Phoebe’s apartment. There’s a knock on the door, and Phoebe opens it.

Phoebe:  Oh my God! David!

David: Hi! I-i-is this a bad time?

Phoebe:  No! It’s a great time, come in…! WOW, hi… Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? Are you back from Minsk?

David: Well, just for a couple of days, uhm… I’m here to explain to the people who gave us our grant, why it’s a positive thing that we spent all their money and uhm… accomplished uhm… nothing.

Phoebe: Who cares, it got you here.

David: Well, it got me to New York anyway, and then I got on a cab at the airport, and the guy said where to? and I just… gave him your address I… I… I didn’t even think about it.

Phoebe: Wow. Where is your luggage?

David: Damn it!

Phoebe: A-All right, well… I’ll call the cab company.

David: Wa… wa… wait! We can… call them later. Can you just… just stand there f-f-for a moment? Boy! There’s an old Russian expression, uhm… it goes: Schto ya ztez vigul… ui! Roughly translated that means uhm… This thing that I’m looking at: wow!

Phoebe: Thank you! God, no! You should see me when… Oh actually, no, I look pretty good.

David: Are… are you kidding? You know, when you don’t see someone for a long time, a-a-and you kind of build them up in your head and you start thinking about: Come on, don’t be crazy. Nobody is that beautiful, but… well, you are.  Well,so,uhm…areyouseeing…anyone?

Phoebe: No…

Scene: Monica and Chandler’s apartment. Monica sits on the couch and Phoebe is pacing up and down the room.

Phoebe: I’m… I’m just… I’m the worst person ever. How can I not tell David that I’m seeing Mike?

Monica: Maybe he didn’t give you a chance.

Phoebe: He said: Are you seeing someone? And I said no…

Monica: Oh, well… That had been your window.

Phoebe: Yeah! I mean, I don’t know. I was just , I was looking, I was looking in his eyes and I was just thinking: Oh my God! It’s David. David’s here. He’s just, he’s so irresistible.

Monica: Really? The scientist guy?

Phoebe: Really? Chandler?

Monica: Continue…

Phoebe: Oh.Okay, then it gets worse, ’cause then I told him that I would see him tomorrow night.

Monica: Phoebe!

Phoebe: I know!  Evil! And… and… and… I like Mike so much, you know. It’s just going really well. Oh my God!

Monica: Wow, isn’t it ironic that David would show up on the same day that you and Mike exchange keys?

Phoebe:  Uhuh… Yeah…!, you know. And given my life long search for irony, you can imagine how happy I am.

Monica: What are you gonna do?

Phoebe: I mean I guess, I just have to… tell David that nothing can happen between us. Unless I don’t… You know, complicated moral situation, no right, no wrong…

Monica: You have to tell David!

Phoebe: Okay, I knew I should have had this conversation with Joey.

Scene: The hallway between the two apartments. Chandler comes home.

Chandler:  Funniest guy she’s ever met!  I’m funny, right…? What do you know, you’re a door… You just like knock-knock jokes…  Saveit forinside!

Monica: Heeeeeey!

Chandler: Hey!

Phoebe: Hey!

Chandler: So… Oklahoma is a crazy place. You know, they call it the Sooner state. Frankly I’d sooner be in any other state.  And what’s with Oklahoma having a pan handle? Can all states have stuff like that? Hey yeah, I’m from the waistband, Wyoming. But when I was seven, we headed over to the crotch.

Monica:  Was your cabin pressurised?

Chandler:  And don’t get me started on the way that people from Tulsa talk.

Phoebe: Okay.

Chandler: What’s with the word y’all? You know, just… two words just… pushed together… Are we all allowed to do that, because if so, I say why stop there? You know, your new poodle could be your noodle. And fried chicken? Could be fricken.Waiter, waiter excuse me, I’ll have the fricken?  See, that’s… that’s funny with the fricken, right?

Monica: No, it just remind me of something this guy did today at work. I told you about that funny guy, Geoffrey, right?

Chandler: Yeah, he came up…

Monica: Well, he did this bit… You probably had to be there, but it was Liza Minelli locked in our freezer, eating a raw chicken.

Chandler:  Were you there?

Phoebe: No, but it sounds like it was fricken funny…

Scene: Ross and Rachel’s apartment. They’re interviewing Sandy.

Sandy: I really do understand how hard it’s gotta be to leave your child with another person. I mean, it’s leaving behind a piece of your heart…

Rachel: Sandy, that’s exactly what it is…

Ross: Areyougay?

Rachel: Ross!

Sandy: It’s okay. I get that a lot doing what I do. But I am straight. I-I’m engaged actually.

Rachel: Oh!

Sandy: Her name is Deliah.

Rachel: Oh, that’s pretty.

Ross:  So you’re just like a… guy who’s a nanny?

Sandy: I realise how it’s… a bit unorthodox for some people, but I really believe, the most satisfying thing you can do with your life, is take care of a child.

Ross:  Okay.

Sandy: Like in my last job, I met Daniel when he was three weeks old. And I got to watch him grow into this awesome person… When I left, I said: I’ll see you soon… And he said to me: Skdandy…  Thatwashisnameforme…I’llseeyoueveryday…rightin…

Ross: Yeah, kids say all kinds of crap.

Rachel: Oh God, she mu… she must need her diaper changed.

Sandy: Oh, oh, I can do it for her, if you want…

Rachel: Oh, that would be great!  I love him, I love him, I love him…

Ross: Oh, come on, Rach, he’s a guy!

Rachel: So wh..? He’s smart, he’s qualified. Give me one good reason we shouldn’t try him out.

Ross: Because, it’s weird!

Rachel: Why?

Ross: What kind of job is that for a man? A nanny? I-It’s like if a woman wanted to be…

Rachel:  Yes?

Ross: King?

Sandy: I er… I hope you don’t mind. I used some of myhome-made lotion on Emma. It’s a mixture of calendulaandhoneycream.It’lldrythatrashrightup.Plus…itkeepsthehands young…

Rachel:  Please?  YES! Sandy you’re hired.

Sandy: That’s great!  I’m sorry. It’s just… such an emotional thing when you’re welcomed into a new family…

Rachel: Oooh… wow, come here.

Ross: You gotta be at least bi… COMMERCIAL BREAK

Scene: Joey’s apartment. Joey is reading a ‘Busty Ladies’ magazine when Chandler enters.

Chandler: Hey!  I need you to set me up for a joke. Later, when Monica is around, I need you to ask me about fire trucks.

Joey: Ooh. I-I don’t know Chan. I’m not so good with remembering lines.

Chandler:  Well, thank God your livelihood doesn’t depend on it.

Joey: I know, right?  Wh… Wh… Why are we doing this?

Chandler: Monica says that her Maitre D. is the funniest guy she’s ever met.

Joey: Seriously? She actually said that?

Chandler: Yes! Am I crazy to be this upset?

Joey: Nooooo! Being funny is your thing!

Chandler: Yeah!

Joey: Without that, you just got “lame with women”.

Chandler: Ye….

Monica: Hi! There you are.

Joey:  Firetrucks!

Scene: Phoebe’s apartment. Phoebe just let David in who brought a bottle of wine.

David: Wow, you look even… more beautiful than you did


Phoebe: Oof…

David: Infact,ehm…Igoingtokissyounow.

Phoebe: Oh, wait, wait!

David: Yeah, I-I don’t, I can’t get away with stuff like that. I-I-It sounded sexy in my head, so I…

Phoebe: No, no, it’s not that.  Uhm… Remember when you asked me if I was seeing someone and I said no? Well, uhm… I am. His his name

is Mike.

David: Oh… oh…

Phoebe: Yeah, I should have told you.

David: No… well, yeah.

Phoebe: I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

David: Well, i-it’s okay. I-I-I understand… Well, s… well,

are you happy with this guy?

Phoebe: I am happy.

David: Damn it! I-I’m sorry. I-I don’t mean that. I-I want you to be happy… But only with me. No, uhm. that’s not fair. Uh, who cares, leave him!. Oh, I don’t mean that. Yes I do… I’m sorry Uhm, I… I think I should probably uhm… go…

Phoebe: Well… but David, just… I just want you to know

that… that… you know… telling you this… is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

David: Well… just so you know.. hearing it wasn’t exactly

a Vladnik carnival either.. Can we at least hug goodbye?

Phoebe: Of course, yeah. You know, a kiss on the cheek wouldn’t be totally inappropriate…

David: No… no…

Phoebe: I mean…

David: In Minsk…

Phoebe: Yeah?

David: …it’s uhm… i-it’s two on each cheek and uhm… and one on the lips.

Phoebe: Well, if that’s what they do in Minsk…  In New York… it’s…

Scene: Ross and Rachel’s apartment. Rachel and Sandy sit on the couch. Sandy holds Emma. Ross enters the apartment. Sandy and Rachel wipe their tears away with handkerchiefs

Rachel:  Oh… Oh boy…  Hi…

Ross:  Is everything All right?

Rachel: Oh yeah, it’s fine, it’s fine. Sandy was just… was just telling me about how he proposed to his fianc and it was just sooo beautiful.

Sandy: Well, her favourite flower is the camellia.

>From the poem…

Rachel: I can’t… I can’t hear it again.

Sandy: You know, I can’t tell it again…

Ross: And I’m fine never having heard it…  Rach, can I… can I see you for a sec?

Rachel: Yeah!  Excuse me…

Ross: Do you realise that man has cried in our apartment three times…? Huh? I haven’t cried that many times since I moved in.

Rachel: Look, Ross, he’s just… Sandy is just sensitive, that’s all.

Ross:  Okay, okay, see… that… that is the problem. He is too sensitive.

Rachel: What…? Too sensitive to take care of our baby?

Ross:  Yeah, I mean, all things that guy…  These are amazing!

Rachel: Sandy made Madeleines.

Ross: This… this is exactly what I’m talking about. What kind of a guy makes… makes… delicate French cookies, huh? They’re not even… butch, manly cookies with… with… you know with… with chunks.

Rachel: Well, I… you know, I-I-I don’t know what to say… I mean, I never thought of you as a guy who needed his men to be men. You know, ’cause I gotta tell you Ross, it not like you just came in from branding cattle.

Ross: Hey… there’s sensitive… and there is too sensitive.

Rachel: Okay, what? What is too sensitive?

Scene: Phoebe’s apartment. She and David are still kissing each other in the living room.

Phoebe: Hmmm… No, no… No, I can’t do this. It’s bad.

David: But… I-I-It’s nice… A-a-and… nice is good. A-a-and good is not bad, ergo, w-w-we should keep kissing.

Phoebe: No, no. No.

David: But… ergo…

Phoebe: Look David, if… if you had never left, then… yeah, we’d probably still be together right now, but… you did leave, and I-I’m with Mike and I really care about him…

David: Uhm… uhm… Goodbye… Uh… Schto ya ztez vigul… ui…

Mike: Well… hey, the key works…!

Phoebe:  And you thanks for the face massage. Thank you.

Scene: Monica and Chandler’s apartment. Monica is in the kitchen and Ross enters.

Ross: Did Rachel tell you we hired a male nanny?

Monica: Yeah! I think that’s great!

Ross: Oh really? Did she tell you he plays the recorder, recites poetry and bakes Madeleines?

Monica: Oh… How are they?

Ross:  Lighter than air…  But that’s not the point.

Joey: Hey!

Ross: Hey…! Rachel and I hired a male nanny.

Joey:  Really…? Guys do that…? That’s… weird…

Ross: Thank you!

Joey: That’s like a woman wanting to be a…

Ross: …a what? A what? What’s the end of that sentence?

Monica: Yes… What is the end of that sentence?

Joey: Uhm… A penis model.  Anyway, hey… Did you tell Chandler that some guy from work is the funniest guy you’ve ever met?

Monica: Yeah, so?

Ross: Wow!

Joey: Really? Do you not know Chandler?

Monica: Is that why he’s acting so weird…? He’s jealous…? Oh my God, that is crazy. It’s not like I’m attracted to Geoffrey…

Joey: So what? Being funny is Chandler’s thing… You know, like Ross’s thing is…

Ross: Science…? Academia…? Being a good father…?

Joey: …No…

Monica: I can’t believe he’s that upset about this…

Joey: Monica, you have to do some damage control here, okay. ‘Cause he’s feeling like…

Chandler: Hey!

Joey: Heeeyy! Hey!

Chandler: What are you guys talking about?

Ross: Uhm…RachelandIhiredamalenanny.

Chandler: You got a man who’s a nanny…? You got a manny…?

Chandler: Youknow,Idon’tminda…malenanny,butIdodrawthelineatamalewetnurse.

Monica: Ohhh, ooohhh… you are on a roll, mister!

Chandler: If I’d known you guys were coming over, I would have brought more pizza.

Monica: Okay, okay… Chandler you… you stop it!

Chandler: What is so funny about that?

Monica: Well, I don’t know… I-It’s… just the way you say it… I mean, you’re funny… You have that funny thing. You’reafunnyguy!

Chandler: Didyoutellherwhatwetalkedabout?

Joey: Yeah….

Chandler: So those were pity laughs? PITY LAUGHS?

Monica: Honey, listen… You have nothing to worry about with Geoffrey.

Chandler: Oh yeah? Is he funnier than me?

Monica: Well, you’re… you’re different funny… I

mean, you’re… you’re more sarcastic a-a-and…

well, he does… bits… and impressions… and…

and limericks…

Chandler: I do limericks… uhm… There once was

a man named Chandler, whose wife made him die inside.

Monica: Honey, you know I think you’re hilarious! Come on, you know that joke you told me last week? The one about Jerry Lewis and the girl with the lazy eye. ?  That slayed me.

Ross: Hey   I made up that joke and told it to you!

Joey: Not knowing when to shut up…

Ross: Yep! That’s my thing…


Scene: Phoebe’s apartment. David is still there. Mike closes the door.

Mike: So… how many guys have your key?

Phoebe: No, no, no, no, no… It’s not… it’s not…

i’ts not as bad as it looks.. really. I was just saying

goodbye to an old friend.

Mike: Your lipstick’s on his mouth.

David: Oh, uh… we just uh… happen to wear the

same shade.

Phoebe: No, uhm… David and I did use to go out… but years ago, and he lives in Minsk. He’s only he’s only in town for a couple of days.

Mike: Did you uhm…

Phoebe: No, no…

Mike:… kiss him?

Phoebe: Oh, well, yeah…

David: Yes, but uhm… You should know… she

really likes you. I-In fact I-I-I don’t think you realise j-just how lucky you are fella.

Mike: Don’t point your finger at me.

David: Why? Wh-What are you going to do about it?

Mike: Well… I’ll. just show you what I’m gonna


Phoebe: Stop it! Stop it, before someone gets really hurt!  Here David, you should just go.

David: All right… But… if I ever do come back from Minsk.  well, you just better watch out.

Mike: Well, if I ever goto Minsk, you’d better watch out.

David: Oh, you’re going to Minsk?

Mike: Well, I might.

David: Really? Well, if you do, come in the spring. It’s just lovely there.

Phoebe: Okay, well… guys?

David: Right…GoodbyePhoebe.

Mike: Hey, what are you kidding me?

David: Right-o, right-o…  Take good care of her.

Phoebe: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. If you… If you want your key back, I totally understand.

Mike: It’s never gonna happen again right?

Phoebe: Right! Never! Never! I swear!

David: I-I… Oh I…I just wanna say uhm… if you do ever come to Minsk, that’s my number  We’ll uhm… we’ll party up Vladnik style.

Scene: Ross walks in the hallway to his apartment and stops in front of his own door. Now he hears two recorders playing a song. When he enters, Sandy and Joey are playing the recorder and Rachel listens.

Joey: Yeah! All right! Hey, hey Ross. Check it out! Sandy taught me Hot-cross Buns.

Ross: Really? Sounded like Three Blind Mice.

Joey: Noooo… Three Blind Mice goes like this…

Ross:  I swear toGod…!

Sandy: Who’s up for puppets?

Joey: Me! I’m up for puppets!

Sandy: Well, please welcome… The Snufflebumps… Who wants to be mr. Wigglemunch and who’s gonna be the Grumpus?

Ross: Okay, okay… How exactly is a two month old supposed to appreciate puppets?

Sandy: Actually studies have shown that the movementandcolourshelptheircerebraldevelopment…Thewhimsicalcharactersarejustforus.

Joey: IwannabeMr.Wigglemunch.

Ross:  Oh my God!

Sandy: Well,Iguessweknowwho’sgonnabetheGrumpus…

Scene: Ross and Rachel’s kitchen. Ross got a beer from the refrigerator and opens the bottle. Rachel now also enters the kitchen.

Rachel: That was kind of rude!

Ross: Oh, I’m sorry. Please apologise to Sandy and the Snufflebumps for me.

Rachel: You know, he was just doing his job…

Ross: Well, you know what… I-I’m sorry I’m the only one who isn’t in love with Gary Poppins out there… But I just… I can’t… I can’t go through with this.

Rachel: Oh, come on Ross…

Ross: No! Hey, you know what? I’m sorry. I would never force you… to hire someone you were this uncomfortable with…

Rachel:  Oh… That’s true.

Ross: Thank you!

Rachel: Well, you’re the one who wants to fire him, so you’re gonna have to do it.

Scene: Living room. Joey and Sandy are talking with the Snufflebumps.

Sandy:  So you see Wigglemunch, that’s why it’s important to shaaaaaaare…

Joey:  I am learning so much from you.

Scene: Monica and Chandler’s apartment. Monica and Joey are sitting at the dinner table. Chandler comes from the bedroom with his suitcase.

Chandler: Well, I’m off to Tulsa, so if your Maitre D. friend has any funny Oklahoma jokes, tell him to e-mail me at www.hahanotsomuch.com.

Monica: Honey, you can relax. Last night at work, Geoffrey told this really sexist joke. After that, not so funny anymore.

Chandler: Really…? See… that’s the thing: you gotta keep it smart, people!

Monica: Okay, don’t miss that flight. You know I love you.

Chandler: I love you too.  And… I like you as a friend.

Joey: All right. See you later!

Chandler: See ya!

Joey:  Did that guy really make that joke?

Monica: Naaaa… He still kills me. Last night he had me laughing so hard, I swear… a little pee came out.

Scene: Ross and Rachel’s apartment. Sandy is knitting baby clothes. Ross and Rachel walk into the living room.

Ross: Here goes…

Rachel: I can’t watch. It’s like firing Elmo.

Ross: Sandy… Hi, we uhm… we kinda need to talk. I’m afraid it’s not working out.

Sandy:  Oh…

Ross: Yeah, uhm… I mean, Rachel and I, think you are great… with Emma… uhm… We just feel…

Rachel:  YOU! You feel!

Ross: I… just feel that the… the chemistry isn’t right. I’m sorry. We’re… we’re more than happy to give you good recommendation…

Sandy: Oh, no, no, no… That’s okay. I got a lot of offers from other families. I just picked you guys because… I liked you the best.

Rachel:  Oh, damn you Geller!

Ross: Anyway, uhm…Well, I’m glad there’s no hard feelings.

Sandy: No, none at all. You need to be happy with whoever is in your home… Although if you don’t mind telling me, what was your problem? Maybe it’s something I can work on in the future.

Ross: No, you know, it’s uhm… nothing you did, it’s… it’s uhm… my issue.

Sandy: What is it…?  Please…?

Ross: You know, I’m just not uhm… that comfortable with a guy who’s as sensitive as you.

Sandy: That’s fair… Although, can I ask… why do you think that is?

Ross: Why… I… I don’t know.  Uhm… errrr… maybe… maybe because of my father?

Sandy: hmmm…

Ross: I mean, uhm… you know when I was growing up he was kind of a tough guy… You know a-a-and as a kid I wasn’t the athlete I am now.

Rachel:  Huh ha ha!

Ross: I play squash…! Anyway, uhm… I uhm… I always get the feeling he thought I was too sensitive.

Sandy: That must have been hard.

Ross: It was hard… I remember… I was in my bedroom… playing with my dinosaurs… playing and learning… and my father walks in and says… he says… “What are you doing with those things? What’s wrong with you, why aren’t you… why aren’t you outside playing like a… like a real boy?

Sandy: But you are a real boy!

Ross: I know I am!  …And when it’s summer, and it’s hot, why can’t you wear a tank top?

Sandy: It’s All right! Crying is good. It lets the boo-hoos out.

Ross: Here come some more…


Scene: Joey’s apartment. Joey and Sandy are sitting at the kitchen counter. Joey is holding mr. Wigglemunch, and Sandy holds the Grumpus. Sandy/Grumpus: And what’s the one kind of boat that can never, ever sink?

Joey/Wigglemunch: What kind?

Sandy/Grumpus: A friend-ship…

Joey: Wow! You blow my mind…

Sandy: Oh, I gotta go.

Joey: Aaahh… How much do I owe you?

Sandy: Twenty bucks.

Joey: It’s like the cheapest college ever.


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به پایان مقاله متن دیالوگ های قسمت ششم فصل نهم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی از سری آموزش های تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در فیلم ها و سریال های انگلیسی زبان بخش آموزش زبان انگلیسی از صفر تا صد سایت رسیدیم. از شما فرهیخته گرامی درخواست داریم چنانچه استاد، معلم، مدرس، دانش آموخته، دانشجو و یا یکی از دانش پژوهان آزاد زبان انگلیسی هستید و در طی آموزش و یادگیری این دانش با نکات کاربردی مواجه گشته اید که با این قسمت از سریال محبوب فرندز مرتبط است و در طی این مقاله به آن اشاره ای نشده است، خواهشمندیم نکته نظرات خودتان را از طریق بخش نظرات در پایین همین صفحه با سایر کاربران این صفحه از سایت به اشتراک بگذارید

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