متن دیالوگ های Top Notch tv level 3 Unit 6 Sitcom به همراه ترجمه فارسی به منظور تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در این قسمت از این سریال آموزشی محبوب در این مقاله از سایت تقدیم نگاه شما کاربران گرامی خواهد شد.

Sitcom: I want to go someplace different.

Scene 1


Mr. Evans tries to come up with a place for Mrs. Beattyʼs vacation—a place that does not have natural disasters.

Mr. Evans: So, Mrs. Beatty, you’re looking for an exciting place for your next vacation.

Mrs. Beatty: I usually travel to major cities in Europe, but this time I want to go someplace different––someplace away from the city––as long as it’s safe.

Mr. Evans: How about California? The Big Sur area is spectacular. Mrs. Beatty: California has lots of earthquakes, doesn’t it?

Mr. Evans: Well, they have earthquakes occasionally, but not very often. Mrs. Beatty: But it does have earthquakes.

Mr. Evans: Yes.

Mrs. Beatty: I’m not going.

Mr. Evans: OK. How about someplace in Asia? A beach in Thailand? Ko Chang has beautiful beaches, and it’s very quiet there.

Mrs. Beatty: A quiet beach sounds nice. But they said on the news there’s a monsoon in Thailand.

Mr. Evans: But the monsoon will be over by the time you go. Mrs. Beatty: What else can you recommend?

Mr. Evans: Australia. The Australian outback is amazing. Mrs. Beatty: I’ve heard they have tornadoes in Australia. Mr. Evans: Well, some parts . . .

Mrs. Beatty: Where else? Mr. Evans: Jamaica?

Mrs. Beatty: Hurricanes. Mr. Evans: South Africa? Mrs. Beatty: Floods.

Mr.  Evans:  Hawaii? Mrs. Beatty: Landslides.

Mr. Evans: You know a lot about natural disasters, don’t you, Mrs. Beatty?

Let’s see. What about Finland?

Mrs. Beatty: Finland?

Mr. Evans: It’s wild, beautiful, and very different from other parts of Europe.

And nothing bad ever happens in Finland.

Mrs. Beatty: Finland sounds good. I’ll go to Finland. Mr. Evans: Great. I’ll book your tickets.

Scene 2


After Mr. Evans has booked Mrs. Beattyʼs vacation, something happens that changes Mrs. Beattyʼs mind.

Mr. Evans: OK, I just booked your tickets to Helsinki, Finland. You’ll be staying at the Palace Hotel.

Mrs. Beatty: That’s great. Marie: Excuse me, Mr. Evans?

Mr. Evans: Yes, Marie?

Marie: Mr. Woods is on the phone. He told me to tell you it’s urgent. Mr. Evans: Urgent?

Marie: He’s traveling, you know. Mr. Evans: Yes?

Marie: He said there’s some kind of epidemic. Mr. Evans: What kind of epidemic?

Marie: It sounds like it’s that new influenza.

Mr. Evans: But he was vaccinated for that before he left.

Marie: I know. But he told me to tell you that he wants to fly home today.

Mr. Evans: On the Internet it says only three people are sick. That is not an epidemic. And it’s not like anybody’s dying from this flu.

Marie: He said he didn’t want to be the first. Mrs. Beatty: Where is he traveling, may I ask? Marie: He’s in Finland.

Mrs. Beatty: Finland? I just booked tickets to Finland!

Mr. Evans: Mrs. Beatty, everything will be fine. You’ll get vaccinated, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

Mrs. Beatty: I’m not going to Finland. You told me nothing bad ever happens in Finland.

Mr. Evans: Mrs. Beatty, I can’t think of anywhere in the world you can go and be completely safe. Right here in this city you could go outside and get hit by a bus. But you can’t let that stop you from doing the things you want to do. Look, why don’t we go to lunch and we’ll talk it over?

Marie: I don’t think she’s going anywhere.

همکاری در بهبود این محتوا :

به پایان مقاله متن دیالوگ های Top Notch tv level 3 Unit 6 Sitcom به همراه ترجمه فارسی از سری آموزش های تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در فیلم ها و سریال های انگلیسی زبان بخش آموزش زبان انگلیسی از صفر تا صد سایت رسیدیم. از شما فرهیخته گرامی درخواست داریم چنانچه استاد، معلم، مدرس، دانش آموخته، دانشجو و یا یکی از دانش پژوهان آزاد زبان انگلیسی هستید و در طی آموزش و یادگیری این دانش با نکات کاربردی مواجه گشته اید که با این قسمت از سریال محبوب Top Notch tv مرتبط است و در طی این مقاله به آن اشاره ای نشده است، خواهشمندیم نکته نظرات خودتان را از طریق بخش نظرات در پایین همین صفحه با سایر کاربران این صفحه از سایت به اشتراک بگذارید.

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