متن دیالوگ های قسمت بیست و چهارم فصل ششم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی به منظور تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در این قسمت از این سریال محبوب در این مقاله از سایت تقدیم نگاه شما کاربران گرامی خواهد شد.

The One With The Proposal

Ross: God that is the most beautiful engagement ring ever!

Rachel: Yeah? Well, you should know. You’ve bought like a billion of ‘em.

Ross: Yeah, you didn’t get one.

Chandler: Okay, well tonight’s the big night.

Phoebe: Yeah!

Joey: Okay listen, how are you gonna ask her?

Chandler: It is going to be perfect. I am taking her to her favorite restaurant. I’m going to get her a bottle of the champagne that she really loves; therefore knows how expensive it is. Then when the glasses are full, instead of proposing a toast I’m just gonna propose.

Rachel: Ohh…

Joey: That sounds perfect! Chandler: Yeah.

Joey: You’re gonna mess it up let me do it.

Chandler: I’m not gonna mess it up.

Phoebe: If she says no, can I have the ring?

Chandler: She’s not gonna say no.

Phoebe: If!

Monica:  Hey!

Ross: Hey!

Chandler: Hey!

Phoebe:  Hi Monica.

Chandler:  Give me it!

Phoebe: It’s gone. Chandler: Phoebe!

Joey: Hey!

Chandler:  Hi Monica.

Phoebe:  We’repracticallykissing.

Opening Credits

Rachel:  Hey! Chandler: Hey!

Joey: Hey Rach!

Rachel: Are any of you guys free tonight? My boss is hosting this charity event for underprivileged kids and the more people I bring, the better I look. So, Monica? Chandler?

Chandler:  Well, Monica and Chandler can’t go. We’re going to dinner remember?!

Rachel: Oh my God, I’m so sorry.

Monica: What’s the big deal?

Chandler: I just get mad when Rachel doesn’t remember where we’re going.

Joey: Where are you going?

Rachel: Howaboutyouguys?

Phoebe: Open bar?

Rachel: I think so.

Phoebe: I can do that for the kids.

Joey: Hey, y’know what? I’ll come too. I’m making money now; it’s about time I give something back.

Chandler: Well, you could also give back the money you owe me.

Joey: Okay. Have a benefit.

Ross:  Hey!

Rachel: Hey! Ross, listen can you come to a charity event tonight?

Ross: Oh no, I have plans with Elizabeth.

Chandler: Oh, so you’re already doing your part for the kids.

Ross: I’m sorry, it’s just one of my last nights together before she leaves for camp—to be a counselor!

Monica: Ross let me ask you a question. All jokes aside, where is this relationship going?

Chandler: Wait a minute, all jokes aside? I didn’t agree to that!

Monica: Do you really see this as a long-term thing?

Ross: I don’t know.

Phoebe: Y’know, you are 12 years older than her.

Ross: Wait a minute, does-does everyone feel this way?

All: Yeah! Yeah, sort of. I’m sorry.

Ross: Uh-uh—Wow! Uh, I thought you guys were just like making jokes, I had no idea. What you know what? You guys are wrong. Uh yes, there is a chronological age difference but I never notice it. You know why? Because she is very mature. Besides, it doesn’t really matter to me what you guys think. I mean, I’m the one dating Elizabeth, not you!

Joey: That’s not what she said last night.

Rachel: See? Now, he could date her.

Chandler: Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?  Hey, you marry me!  What’s going on little elves?

Joey: It’s the big night! We wanted to wish you good luck!

Ross: Yeah, yeah you have the ring?

Chandler: Yeah, right here in my pocket.  Pheebs?

Phoebe: Oh! Oop!

Chandler: Okay, now will you guys get out of here? I want this is to be a surprise and she’s gonna know.

Ross:  Yeah-yeah you guys. Get out of here!

Monica: Hi guys.

Chandler:  You are beautiful.

Monica: Oh, thank you!   What’s going on?

Rachel:  We’re just really…very excited about this charity event that we have to go to.

Phoebe: Here.

Rachel: Oh! Thank you!

Phoebe: So now what’s going on here?

Rachel: Uh well, uh this is a silent auction. They lay out all the stuff here and then you write down your offer and then the highest bid gets it.

Phoebe: No, I know what a silent is I meant, what’s going on with your hair?

Rachel:  Uh, wh-why?

Phoebe: No! It’s nice!

 Mr. Thompson: Nice to see you Rachel.

Rachel: Oh, hi!

Mr. Thompson: So glad you brought someone.

Rachel: Someone? I brought people. Mr. Thompson, this is Phoebe. Phoebe, this is Mr. Thompson.  He’s the head of my department.

Phoebe: Oh, hi.

Rachel: And I also brought my friend Joey…

Joey:  Oh!! Shrimp toast!

Rachel: Well, y’know I-I don’t know where he is.

Mr. Thompson: Well, I hope you’re gonna bid on some things Rachel.

Rachel: Well, y’know what? Actually, I was about to bid on this lovely trip to Paris.

Mr. Thompson: Ohh, nice choice. Rachel: Yeah.

Mr. Thompson: Good luck.

Rachel: Thank you.  Okay,  twenty dollars.

Zoe: Shut the door! Shut the door!!

Ross: What’s-what’s going on?

Elizabeth: The guys across the hall are throwing water balloons at us.

Ross: Oh, you have to call the police! That’s what I did to the kids in my building!

Elizabeth: No, it’s a water balloon fight! We started it!

Ross: Oh!  Listen umm, I, I just stopped by to see if you wanted to see this play tonight. Umm, it’s supposed to be excellent. The director is the same…

Elizabeth:  Who drank all the Kamikazes?

Sarah:  Nobody! We put them in here!

Elizabeth:  You want some?!

Ross: No! Okay! Okay!  Okay, look, can I, can I just-just talk to you for a second?

Elizabeth: Yeah, sure.

Ross: Uh,sothisplayumm,whatdoyouthink?It’s-it’s gotten great reviews! Y’know the uh…

First Dorm Guy: Attack!

Second Dorm Guy: Put your balloons down!

The Girls: You put your balloons down!!

First Dorm Guy: You put your balloons down!!

Ross:  Everybody put their balloons down!!!  Now this is a nice suit!!

Mr. Thompson: Our next item is the romantic trip to Paris.  It goes to Emil Alexander high a high bid of 2,300.

Rachel: Ugh! So close!

Phoebe: Hey you guys! Look!

Joey: Hey!

Phoebe: I got me some drinks!

Rachel: What are you doing?

Phoebe: Open bar!

Rachel: Well now it’s an empty bar.

Phoebe: You just can’t stand anyone else enjoying themselves can’t you?

Mr. Thompson: Andfinally,ourbiggestitemofthenight,the22-footgentleman’sdaysailersailboat.Thewinningbidwasawhooping$20,000!

Joey: I won! That was my guess!

Rachel: What?! What?! What?!

Joey: I guessed 20,000!

Rachel: Joey! It is an auction! You don’t guess, you buy!

Joey: What?! I don’t have 20,000!

Mr. Thompson: Congratulations on your new boat, Joey Tribbiani!!

 Rachel: Joey! Sit down!

Phoebe: Forget her! You enjoy this!!  One nation, under God. Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.  I remembered it.  The champagne is here.

Monica: Are you okay?

Chandler: Yes! Yes! I’m good! Are you good? Are you good? Is everything—are you—are you perrr-perfect?!

Monica: Yeah. I’m okay. I’m actually—I’m a little cold, can I have your jacket?

Chandler: Oh, yeah.  Uh, no you can’t have my jacket! Because then I would be cold! If you thought that you were going to be cold, you should’ve brought your own jacket. But uh, other than that, are you okay? Are you okay?

Monica:  Are you sure you’re okay?

Chandler: Yes! I’m fine. In fact I’ve been fine for a long time now and I think, the reason is you.

Monica: Ohh that’s sweet!

Chandler: Okay umm, before I meant you I had really little life and I couldn’t imagine growing old with…

 Monica:  Oh my God!

Chandler:  I know, but just let me say it.

Monica: OhmyGod,Richard.

Chandler: What?! I’m Chandler!  Oh, that’s Richard!

Monica: OhGod,maybehewon’tseeus.Richard!

Richard:  Monica! Chandler!

Chandler: Hey-hey, hey!  I don’t know why I did that!

Monica: Hey, it’s good to see you!

Richard: You too, you let uh, your hair grow long.

Monica: Yeah—Oh that’s right. You, you always wanted me too. Hey, I see you got your mustache back.

Richard: Well, my nose got lonely.

Chandler:  And uh, you don’t have a mustache which is good.  I’m Chandler; I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable.

Richard’s Date: Hi, I’m Lisa. Chandler: Hi.

Richard: Oh, I’m sorry.  Lisa,  Monica, Chandler. We used to date.

Chandler: Richard! No one supposed to know about us!  See I, did it again.

Monica: Chandler, wh-why don’t we sit down?

Chandler: Yeah,I’llsitdown.

Monica:  It’s good to see you

Matire’d:  You’re table’s ready sir.

Richard: Oh. Good to see you guys.

Chandler: Yes.

Matire’d:  Or if you prefer, this table is available.

Richard: That might be fun.

Commercial Break

Rachel: What were you thinking?!

Joey: I didn’t know it was an auction! Rachel: Wh?!

Joey: I figured, take a guess, help a charity, free boat!

Rachel: Why would a charity give away a free boat?!

Joey: I don’t know! Charity?

Rachel: Ugh!

Phoebe: Well,justbuythedamnboat!

Rachel: Phoebe, don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink?

Phoebe: I’m just helping the kids!

Rachel: How is you drinking helping the kids?

Phoebe: Because the more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink.

Mr. Thompson:  Mr. Tribbiani.

Joey: Oh hi!

Mr. Thompson: Your generous contribution brings us a big step closer to building the youth center.

Joey: Just out of curiosity, how-how much is that boat worth?

Mr. Thompson: I think it was valued at 19,000

Joey:  Hey, I was pretty close.  Uhh, so bad news. Umm, I can’t buy the boat, I don’t have any money.

Rachel: Joey! Joey, good one!

Mr. Thompson: That’s good. Very good!

Joey: So uh listen, I think I’m gonna take off now.

Rachel:  Hey! You…can’t…leave Joey! You agreed to buy that boat, all right?! That is a contract! And plus if you leave, my boss is gonna kill me!

Joey: Well, what am I gonna do Rach?! I don’t have that kind of money!

Rachel: I know. Okay.  Okay. Okay. All right. All right, this is what we’re gonna do, we are gonna go to the next highest bidder, and we are just gonna let them buy it, and then you’re just gonna pay the difference.

Joey: Okay. Rachel: Okay.

Joey: Look, I don’t know why the kids need a youth center anyway! Y’know? They should just watch TV after school like I did and I turned out fine!

Rachel: Not great.

Monica: And so, we’re hiding in the bathroom.

Richard: And-and then I sneak out and before Monica can her parents come in.

Monica: So I hide in the shower and the next thing you know they’re going at it right on the bathroom floor.

Lisa:  Oh my God!

Chandler: I got a good one, I got a good one! I once walked in on both my parents making love to the same guy.

Richard: It’s so great seeing you guys again. I’d like to make a toast.  Uh, as a poet once said, “In the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures for in the due of little things the heart finds it’s morning and is refreshed.” Monica: Ohh.

Chandler: What?!

Ross: OhmyGod,youguys!!

Chandler:  Before you say anything, have we got a story for you! Guess who we bumped into at dinner!

Ross: Who?

Chandler: Richard!

Ross: What?  A-ohh!  Ohh. Oh that’s right that’s right. That’s Richard’s favorite place too.

Chandler: Oh you knew that. Good!

Monica: I thought you were going out with Elizabeth.

Ross: Yeah, I was but uh, she was a little busy with a water balloon fight.

Monica:  Oh Ross, sometimes grown-ups have commitments they just can’t get out of!

Ross: Y’know, maybe she is too young for me. Y’know, when I was over there and she was running around with her friends, I felt like I was a baby-sitter. I finally started to see what you guys were talking about. I don’t know what to do.

Monica: Why don’t you just weigh out the good stuff about the relationship against the bad stuff. I mean that’s what I did when I first  weighing stuff.

Ross: Okay umm, bad stuff. Well, I’m-I’m 12 years older than she is.

Monica: If the school finds out you’re fired.

Ross: Hmm.

Monica: She’s leaving for three months. Chandler: For camp!

Ross: Okay, good stuff. Umm, well she’s-she’s sweet and pretty and…

Monica: Look Ross, the only question you need to ask is, “Do you see a future?” I mean like do you see yourself marrying her?  Oh my God! You did it already! You married her, didn’t you?!

Ross: No! No! I…didn’t do that. It’s just… Okay, honestly no. I don’t, I don’t see a big future with her.

Monica: Okay well I think…that’s your answer.

Ross: I’ve got to talk to her. Ugh, I hate this part.

Chandler: Hey, you have to forget about Elizabeth. I mean if you’re not careful you may not get married at all this year!

Joey: Rach! Rachel! Okay, the next highest bidder is at table one.

Rachel: Oh great!

Joey:  Oh and uh the guy who got the Paris trip is at table four.

Phoebe: Oh, okay.

Rachel:  Why do you care about the guy who won the Paris trip?

Phoebe: It’s a trip for two!  Excuse me.  Excuse me, is the person who won the Paris trip at this table?

Emil Alexander: That was me.

Phoebe: Oh,enchante.

{Transcriber’s Note: Please correct my French here.}

Joey: Uhh, excuse me is there a Mr. Bowmont at this table?

Mr. Bowmont: That’s me.

Joey: Ahh, yes.

Rachel: Oh well, hello. This is your lucky day Mr. Bowmont, the uh gentleman day sailer as just become available again and I believe that you made a bid of


Joey: You-you have to pay that! It’s not just a guess.

Rachel:  Okay.Okay.

Mr. Bowmont: I was actually relieved uh I didn’t win the boat. My wife would’ve killed me.

Rachel: Ohh…

Joey: Are you kidding me?! She’s gonna this boat!

Rachel: Y-Yeah! What-what is your wife’s name? Mr. Bowmont: It’s Pam.

Rachel: Pam! Oh God okay, just imagine this, “The Pam.”

Joey: Aw-awww!

Mr. Bowmont: I don’t think she’d like that.

Rachel: Okay, uh-uh imagine this, “The Mr. Bowmont.”

Joey: Oooooh…

Mr. Bowmont: I don’t think so dear.

Rachel: Okay look, let me paint you a little picture.  All right, you are settin’ sail up the Hudson! You’ve got the wind in your h——arms! You-you get all that peace and quiet that you’ve always wanted! You get back to nature! You can go fishin’! You can—ooh, you can get one of those little hats and have people call you captain, and then when you’re old, Cappy.

Mr. Bowmont: What the hell, it’s for a good cause! All right!

Joey: No way! It’s mine!!

Rachel:  What?! What?!

Joey: All that stuff you just said? I want that!

Rachel: But Joey you don’t have $20,000!

Joey: Who cares?! I-I’ll make payments, whatever it takes, I want the Mr. Bowmont!!

Joey: Oh my God, you’re back!

Phoebe: Ohh, let me see it! Let me see your hand!

Monica: Why do you want to see my hand?

Phoebe: I wanna see what’s in your hand. I wanna see the trash.

Joey: Yeah.

Phoebe: Eww! Oh, it’s all dirty. You should throw this out.

Monica:  Okay.

Chandler:  What did you guys just do?!

Phoebe: What happened?

Chandler: Richard was there so I couldn’t do it!

Joey: What?!Noooo…

Chandler: I’m gonna do it tomorrow y’know, and-and surprise her, but now you’ve ruined it!

Joey: We didn’t ruin it!

Chandler: Who walks into a room and asks to see a person’s hands?!

Phoebe: Well, a palm reader, a manicurist, a hand doctor…

Joey: Glove salesman!

Phoebe: Good one! Yeah.

Chandler: This is terrible. What am I going to do?

Phoebe: Look, she only suspects something okay? She doesn’t know for sure, so just throw her off the track.

Chandler: That’s right, I can throw her off. I can make her think marriage is the last thing on my mind.

Phoebe: Yeah! Yeah! Convince her that-that you’re scared of commitment! Convince her that you’re a little coward!

Chandler: I can do that, I’ve had 30 years of practice.

Joey: Hey, being you is finally gonna pay off!

Monica:  I had to go all the way to the basement because some idiot keeps stuffing the trash chute with pizza boxes!

Joey: That guy’s still doing that?!

Rachel:  Hey!  Oh my God you’re here, let me see your hand!!

Phoebe: No, you’re too late!!! She already took out the trash!!!

Ross:  Wow! I have never had such a healthy break-up! She was such a grown-up about it! She didn’t seem too immature for me! Did I just make a huge mistake?

Elizabeth:  Ross! Wait!

Ross: Elizabeth, thank God! I was just thinking about…

Elizabeth: You suck!!

Ross: What?!

Ross: Okay, break-up’s still on!

 Chandler: Okay, okay, here she comes!  How do I look? Do I look like a guy who doesn’t want to get married?

Joey: Yeah! And also, a little like a French guy.  I never noticed that before.

Monica:  Hi guys!

Joey: Hey! Chandler: Hey!

Monica: What are you up too?

Chandler: Oh, just hanging out, talkin’ about uh, websites.  Yeah, we saw this really interesting website about marriage and how totally unnecessary it is and how its just a way for the government to keep tabs on you.

Joey:  Yeah, Big Brother.

Monica: Well that’s a little crazy. Although I am y’know glad to hear that you’re branching out on what you look at on the Internet.

Chandler: Yeah, well… Y’know, it just got me thinking though, why would anybody ever want to get married huh?

Monica: Why?! To celebrate your relationship! To solidify your commitment! To declare your love for one another to the world!

Chandler: Eh…

Monica: Okay well that’s good to know.

Joey:  The Mr. Bowmont’shere!!!

 Waitress: Hey Monica, there’s a customer who wants to complement the chef, should I let him in?

Monica: Sure,Ilovethispart!

Waitress:  Come on in.  Richard: Hi!

Monica: Richard!

Richard: Actually, I’m not here to complement the chef.

Monica: Ohh… Oh, that’s okay I hate when people come back to complement the chef. Like I have nothing better to do! So what’s up?

Richard: Well, it was great seeing you the other night.

Monica: Oh, good to see you too. Did you come down here to tell me that?

Richard: No! I came here to tell you something else.  I came here  to tell you I still love you.

Commercial Break

Monica: What uh—What did you—What?!

Richard: I still love you. And I know I probably shouldn’t even be here telling you this, I mean you’re with Chandler a guy I really like, and if you say he’s straight I’ll believe you! After seeing ya the other night I knew if I didn’t tell ya I’d regret it for the rest of my life. Letting you go was the stupidest thing I ever did.

Monica: Y’know you’re really not supposed to be back here!

Richard: Well yeah, I’m sorry. I know this is the wrong time and the wrong place but I had to tell ya! I wanna spend my life with you. I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you.

Monica: Oh God…  Why don’t they put chairs back here?!

Richard: I know this is crazy but am I too late?

Monica: What the… Yes you’re too late! Where was all this three years ago?!

Richard: Well I know I was an idiot! And I tried to forget you, I really did! Y’know after we had lunch last year I spent six months in Africa trying to get you out of my head!

Monica: What were you doing in Africa?

Richard: Working with blind kids.

Monica: Ohhh! What are you doing to me?! Oh look, I-I… I’m sorry but umm, this-this-this-this is not going to happen.

Richard: Okay that’s fine, I’ll walk away. And I’ll

never bother you again, but only if you tell me Chandler’s willing to give you everything I am.

Monica: Well he is! Yeah, I mean marriage is all he talks about! My goodness, in fact, I’m the one that’s making him wait!

Richard: You are? Monica: Yeah!

Richard: Why?

Monica: Why? Because of the government.

Rachel: Isn’t it incredible?! Monica and Chandler, gettin’ married.

Phoebe: I know, they’re gonna be so happy together.

Rachel: Ohh… I mean two best friends falling in love, how often does that happen?

Phoebe: Not that often!

Rachel: No! I’m so happy for them!

Phoebe: Me too! So happy for them!

Rachel: I’m so happy and not at all jealous.

Phoebe: Oh no! No God, definitely not jealous!

Rachel: I mean I’m probably 98% happy, maybe 2% jealous. And I mean what’s 2%? That’s nothing.

Phoebe: Totally. I’m like 90/10.

Rachel: Yeah me too.

Joey: Hey uh, have you guys scene Chandler?

Rachel:  Wh—no, but y’know who did stop in here looking for ya, Tennille.

Monica: So that marriage stuff that you were saying yesterday, you don’t really believe that do you?

Chandler: Sure I do. In fact, I think the whole concept of marriage is unnatural. I mean look at pigs. Let’s take a second here and look at pigs. Okay pigs don’t mate for life. I mean a pig can have like a hundred sexual partners in a lifetime, and that’s just an ordinary pig not even a pig that’s good at sports!

Monica: Yeah, but that’s pigs not people!

Chandler: If marriage worked, I’d be all for it. But do you know what the divorce rate in this country is? 97%.

Monica: Wait a minute. Are you honestly telling me that-that you may never want to get married?

Chandler: Well, never say never but y’know probably uh yeah, never.

Monica: Oh my God! Then-then-then what are we even doing?! What is this?!

Chandler: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What is all this pressure?! Is this some new kind of strategy? Why don’t you put down your copy of ‘The Rules’ huh mantrap?!

Monica: Y’know what?! I gotta go! Ugh!

Chandler:  It’s okay, I got a plan.

Rachel: We’re gonna find love!

Phoebe: Definitely!

Rachel: Yeah, I’m pretty confident about that. That’s what makes it so easy for me to be 80% happy for Monica and Chandler! It would be nice to have a little guarantee though.

Phoebe: What do you mean?

Rachel: Well y’know, some people make deals with a friend, like if neither of them are married by the time they’re 40, they marry each other.

Phoebe: You mean a backup?

Rachel: Exactly!

Phoebe: Yeah, yeah I got that.

Rachel: You do?

Phoebe: Hm-mmm. Rachel: Who?

Phoebe: Joey.

Rachel: Joey?!

Phoebe: Yeah!

Rachel: Are you serious?!

Phoebe: Yeah, I locked him years ago!

Rachel: Wh… So… If neither of you are married by the time you’re 40, you’re gonna marry Joey.

Phoebe: Yep, we shook on it. Yeah but believe me that is not how he wanted to seal the deal.

Rachel: Oh, seriously?

Phoebe: Ohh, yeah. I think his exact words were…

Rachel: Charming.

Phoebe: Well hey, it’s just a backup. Rachel: Yeah.

 Joey: Hey Monica!

Monica: Have you seen Rachel? Or a mirror?

Joey: This is for my boat, pretty cool huh?

Monica: Yeah, it’s great.

Joey: Whoa-whoa, what’s the matter?! Talk to the captain!

Monica: I’m just having one of those days where you realize you’re in a dead-end relationship!

Joey: Chandler giving you a hard time huh?

Monica: It’s not like I want to get married tomorrow! It’s just that I-I’d like to believe that I’m in a relationship that’s actually going somewhere, that I’m not just wasting my time!

Joey: Well, you know Chandler.

Monica: No I don’t know Chandler! Not anymore! It’s like it’s like something’s changed.

Joey: Maybe you changed?

Monica: I didn’t change!

Joey: Maybe that’s the problem.

Monica: What?!

Joey: Chandler is a complex fellow, one who is unlikely to

take a wife.

Monica: Is that some kind of boat talk?

Joey: I don’t know!  I haven’t totally decided how to talk on my boat yet.

Monica: What does he think? Does he think I’m just gonna wait around for nothing?

Joey: Monica face it, Chandler is against marriage. And-and always will be!

Monica:  Well there’s some people who do want to marry me.

Joey: There are?

Monica: Yeah! Richard!

Joey: R-R-Richard said he wants to marry you?!  And-and Chandler’s tellin’ ya how much he hates marriage?!

Monica: That’s right.

Joey: Chandler loves marriage!!

Monica: You just told me that he hates marriage! That-that he’s a-a complex fellow who’s unlikely to take a wife! That-that he’s against marriage and always will be!

Joey: You got that from what I said?!

Narrator: When the Cretaceous period ended, the dinosaurs were gone.

Ross: What happened you guys?

Ross: Rach!

Rachel: Hey you!

Ross: Hey, come on in.

Rachel: Oh thank you. Hey y’know, I’m so sorry to hear about you and Elizabeth.

Ross: Oh, thanks. Yeah, I really thought we’d be able to make it work, but uh, I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.

Rachel: Yeah, love. It’s a tricky business isn’t it?

Ross: I guess so.

Rachel: So what do you say we make a pact? If you and I are both single by the time we’re 40, we get married. I mean, we know each other, we like each other, and we’ve-we’ve already slept together so y’know there’ll be no surprises there! You know what I mean? No like, “What’s that?!”

Ross: Right. Ohh! You-you want me to be your backup.

Rachel: Exactly.

Ross: Ohh, yeah I already have one.

Rachel: What? Who?

Ross: Phoebe.

Rachel: Phoebe?! Wait a—but-but she just, she said that Joey was her backup.

Ross: Ohh, I don’t think so.

Rachel: Ross! I just had a conversation with her, and she said that she and Joey made a deal!

Ross: That’s impossible! I mean we have had a deal for years! We-we-we shook on it, although believe me she wanted to do a lot more than that.

Joey: Where the hell have you been?!

Chandler: I was making a coconut phone with the professor.

Joey: Richard told Monica he wants to marry her! Chandler: What?!

Joey: Yeah! Yeah, I’ve been trying to find ya to tell to stop messing with her and maybe I would have if these  damn boat shoes wouldn’t keep flying off!

Chandler: My—Oh my God!

Joey: I know! They suck!!

Chandler: He’s not supposed to ask my girlfriend to marry him! I’m supposed to do that!

Joey: I know!

Chandler: Well what… Y’know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna go over there; I’m gonna kick his ass!  Will you help me?!

Joey: Look, Chandler I don’t think us getting our asses kicked is a solution. Okay? Just go and find Monica!

Chandler: You’re right.

Joey: Yeah!

Chandler: Okay.  I’m gonna get the ring! I’m gonna get the ring!  I’m gonna go find her and  I’m just going to propose!

Joey: Okay.

Chandler: Okay great.

Joey: Dude-dude-dude! Chandler: What?!

Joey: Let me know about that coconut phone, it might great for the boat.

Commercial Break

Monica: Hi.

Richard: Hi.

Monica: I don’t know why I’m here.

Richard: I didn’t ask. You wanna come in?

Monica: I don’t know.

Richard: Oh,okay.Well,I’lljustleavethedooropenandgo sit on the couch.

Monica:  Chandler is such an idiot!

Richard:  Drink?

Monica: Yeah, I’ll have a scotch…

Richard: …ontherockswithatwist?Iremember.

Monica:  Still smoking cigars?

Richard: Uh, no! No! That’s…art! If it bothers you I can put my art out.

Monica: No that’s, that’s okay.

Richard: So Monica let me ask you a question. Y’know, since we broke up do you ever, think about me?

Monica: Uh yeah, I-I actually I thought about you a couple months ago.

Richard: Oh really?

Rachel: Phoebe! You picked Joey and Ross?! You can not have two backups!

Phoebe: Of course I can! It’s just good sense to backup your backup! Look, I’ve already lost Chandler!

Rachel: What?!

Joey:  Hey!

Ross:  Hey!

Joey: Phoebe! We’re both  your backup?!

Ross: Phoebe, how could you do this to me?!

Phoebe: I don’t—Look I don’t know what you’re complaining about now? You were both aware of the situation!

 Joey: No we weren’t!

Ross: I was not!

Phoebe: Okay, this kind of back talk is not gonna fly when we’re married!

Rachel: Phoebe you can’t have both of them! You have to pick one!

Joey: Pick me!!

Ross: No! Pick me! I don’t want to end up an old maid!

Phoebe: All right well let’s see, Ross is a good father, but Joey has a boat—This is hard!

Joey: This is crazy! Hey look, I wanna switch to Rachel!

Ross: Ooh, I wanna switch to Rachel too!

Phoebe: No wait! Just—Okay—Just wait! You guys! Wait you guys! Don’t make any rash decisions, okay? Just remember my promise, when we get married, three times a week.

Rachel: Oh God, Phoebe!

Phoebe:  I’m talking about massages. Rachel: Oh.

Rachel: Okay, y’know what?! I know-I know how to settle this! All right here, this is what we’re gonna do! I’m gonna write Joey on one napkin  and I’m gonna right Ross on the other napkin  and we are going to pick one! And that person is going to be our backup! Okay?

Joey: Okay that’s fair.

Ross: All right.

Phoebe: Good!

 Rachel: Pick one.

Phoebe: Left!  Thank you.

Rachel: You’re welcome.

Phoebe:  Ross!

Rachel:  Joey!  We should just switch.

Phoebe: Yeahabsolutely!

Joey: Yeah.

Monica:  I missed you-you ugly, flat faced old freak!

Richard: Excuse me?

Monica: Oh!  Him.

Richard: Oh.  Whew!

Monica: I missed this apartment! Now, this is a grown-up’s apartment! Y’know, I-I should be with a grown-up, do you know what I mean?!

Richard: Yeah! You’re saying, you need to be with someone more mature. Maybe someone with, a license to practice medicine. Or a mustache.

Monica: Y’know, let’s face it, I’m not a kid anymore! I-I need to be with someone who-who wants the same things that I do! I mean coming to my place of work and telling me that you love me, I want that! Talking about pig sex over lunch, I don’t want that!

Richard: I think that’s fair.

Monica: Fair? Please don’t even talk to me about fair! Fair would’ve been you wanting to marry me back then! Or fair would’ve been Chandler wanting to marry me now! Believe me, nothing about this is fair! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!

Richard: It’s okay! Shh! Hey. Hey.  Shhhh.

Monica: Nothing.  I don’t kn—Umm. I don’t know. Umm…

Richard: I know.

Monica: Y’know, I-I… I have to figure…some st—Y’know, some stuff before I can…

Richard: Yeah, I understand. Take as much time as you want.  Ten, even twenty minutes if you need it. I’ll be here. Not smoking.  think about me in a  non-eye doctor way?

Monica: No. Richard: Ahh. leaves.)

Richard: Chandler.

Chandler: Whereisshe?I’mnotscaredofyou!

Richard: She’s not here and please come in.

Chandler:  Scotch on the rocks, with a twist, on a coaster? Ha-ha, Monica! Monica!

Richard: Okay, she was here, but she left.

Chandler: Well where did she go?

Richard: Well she said she had to think things over.

Chandler: Oh my God, I can’t believe this! Y’know, I thought…I thought you were a good guy.

Richard: Oh, hey look nothing happened.

Chandler: Nothing happened? Nothing? So you didn’t tell my girlfriend that you love her?

Richard: Well all right, one thing happened?

Chandler: Y’know what? I can’t believe this! Do you know what you did? My girlfriend is out there thinking things over! You made my girlfriend think!!

Richard: Well I’m sorry.

Chandler: And what does she have to think about? I love her!

Richard: Well, apparently I’m willing to offer her things that you are not.

Chandler: But I am willing to offer her all those things. This was just a plan, y’know? A way to throw her off course so that when I offered her all these things, she’d be surprised!

Richard: Well if it helps, it worked very well.

Chandler: It was working until you showed up, you big tree! I mean, this isn’t fair. You had your chance with her! You had your chance and you blew it! And this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are meant for each other! And this is all just been one stupid mistake!  I was gonna propose tonight.

Richard: Youweregonnapropose?

Chandler: Yeah I even  got a ring.  Did you get a ring?

Richard: No I don’t have a ring!  You go get her Chandler.  And can I give you a piece of advice? If you do get her, don’t let her go. Trust me.

Chandler: Y’know Richard…you are a good guy.

Richard: I know.  I hate that!

Joey: Dude!

Chandler: I can’t talk to you now, I gotta find Monica!

Joey: She’s gone. Chandler: What?

Joey: She’s gone. She had a bag and she left.

Chandler: What are you talking about?

Joey: She was all crying. She-she said you guys want different things, and that and that she needed time to think.

Chandler: Well why didn’t you stop her?! Why didn’t you just tell her it was a plan?!

Joey: I-I did! I told her everything, Chandler! But she wouldn’t believe me.

Chandler: Well where… Where did she go?

Joey: To her parent’s I think and she said you shouldn’t call her. But if I were you I would.

Chandler: I can’t believe I ruined this.

Joey: I am so sorry man.

Monica: You wanted it to be a surprise.

Chandler: Oh my God.

Monica: Chandler… In all my life… I never thought I would be so lucky.  As to…fall in love with my best…my best… There’s a reason why girls don’t do this! Chandler: Okay!  Okay! Okay! Oh God, I thought…  Wait a minute, I-I can do this.  I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you,  you make me happier than I ever thought I could be.  And if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.  Monica, will you marry me?

Monica: Yes.

 Monica: I knew you were likely to take a wife!

Joey:  Can we come it yet?! We’re dying out here!

Monica: Come in! Come in!  We’re engaged!!!

Rachel: Ohhh, this is the least jealous I’ve ever been!

Phoebe: Oh no wait no, this is wrong! Ross isn’t here!

Monica: But getting over was the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to do. And I never let myself think about you.

Monica: Oh…

Rachel: Oh hell, he’s done this three times! He knows what its about!

Joey: Yeah!

Ending Credits


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به پایان مقاله متن دیالوگ های قسمت بیست و چهارم فصل ششم سریال فرندز یا دوستان به انگلیسی Freinds به همراه ترجمه فارسی از سری آموزش های تسهیل یادگیری لغات، اصطلاحات کاربردی و نکات گرامری موجود در فیلم ها و سریال های انگلیسی زبان بخش آموزش زبان انگلیسی از صفر تا صد سایت رسیدیم. از شما فرهیخته گرامی درخواست داریم چنانچه استاد، معلم، مدرس، دانش آموخته، دانشجو و یا یکی از دانش پژوهان آزاد زبان انگلیسی هستید و در طی آموزش و یادگیری این دانش با نکات کاربردی مواجه گشته اید که با این قسمت از سریال محبوب فرندز مرتبط است و در طی این مقاله به آن اشاره ای نشده است، خواهشمندیم نکته نظرات خودتان را از طریق بخش نظرات در پایین همین صفحه با سایر کاربران این صفحه از سایت به اشتراک بگذارید

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